Keyword Research for Small Businesses

Keyword research is a valuable component of your small business SEO strategy. It helps you understand what search queries your customers are searching on Google, and allows you to identify opportunities to rank well for those queries.

Begin by brainstorming a list of core terms that are relevant to your business. Then do some online research to see how popular those terms are.


Keywords are the foundation of any SEO campaign. They are the search terms that your audience uses to find products or services, and they must match the intent of the user. If the keywords don’t resonate with the target audience, it can have an adverse impact on your business.

It’s important to know how to conduct effective keyword research before you get started. Using the right tools and techniques can save you time and money in the long run, while also ensuring that your content is attracting the right people.

The first step in conducting keyword research is brainstorming and identifying a few primary keywords. You can do this by leveraging Google Search, question boards and forums, and SEO tools. For example, if you type “new faucet installation” into Google, it will return results related to home improvement. You can then use this data to identify potential keywords. This will give you a list of search queries, competition levels, and other relevant information that you can then add to your research spreadsheet.

Keyword Phrases

Keywords and phrases are a key component to any search engine optimization strategy. They help Google understand the content you’re creating, and they broadcast to searchers that your website has information relevant to their query.

It’s important that the keyword phrases used in a piece of content match the way your ideal client describes your product or service. Using terms that aren’t familiar to your audience will limit your reach, and it’s likely you’ll have difficulty ranking for those words or phrases.

It’s also critical that the keyword phrases used in a piece are not overused. Too many of them will make the content spammy and unreadable, and it will be difficult to rank for those keywords. Keyword research tools can help you select related search terms and ensure that they are included in a page or post at the proper density. You can also use these tools to discover synonyms, which add variety and will allow you to rank for more long search terms.

Keyword Difficulty

Keyword difficulty is an important metric because it helps you find keywords that will be easier to rank for than others. The difficulty score depends on a number of factors, such as the search volume and the competition level. However, it can also be influenced by the content and the search intent of your target audience. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about “best smartphones 2023,” it will likely have a high keyword difficulty because it’s a broad term with high search volume and fierce competition.

Using tools that check keyword difficulty can help you identify quick-win opportunities by finding keywords that have good search volumes and low keyword difficulty scores. However, you shouldn’t focus solely on these tools to the detriment of other marketing techniques such as demographic data, storytelling and visual branding. These elements are what will get customers through the door and keep them coming back for more. Ultimately, the most important aspect of any business is its content.


When conducting keyword research, it’s important to consider competition. You don’t want to target keywords with too much competition – you’ll have a hard time getting on page one of SERPs and may end up spending more on your ads than you’re making back in revenue.

Instead, try to find words and phrases that have good search volume and low keyword difficulty. You can use a tool like Google Trends to discover related searches and find new ideas for keyword research, and you can also utilize tools that will give you suggestions based on the search term you enter.

Lastly, focus on transactional keywords to drive potential customers to your site and convert them into paying clients. For example, “soy candles made in Iowa” is more likely to drive buyers to your website than “what are soy candles”. Targeting transactional keywords will give you the best ROI on your SEO and PPC campaigns.