Web Development Dissertation – Analysing Industry Trends

The internet was first born in 1983, and today, there are more than 1.58 billion websites on it. With the evolution of the internet itself, web development trends have also been advanced a lot. When you have to write a dissertation on it, you must make sure that all the elements have properly been covered in your dissertation. 

After analysing the tendencies across a large list of industries, we have compiled the best web development trends for 2024. Read this article to learn more about the best web tech stacks that will be worth your attention in the coming year. 

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Let’s get back to the topic. 

Analysing the Latest Industry Trends for a Web Development Dissertation

You will be surprised to know that some of the tremendous web development trends are already present, and they will become even more popular in the years to come. At this time, working on the right web development practices is more important than ever. 

So, here is a list of the foreseeable trends that you must include in your dissertation on web development. When implemented, these trends shall also play a significant role in helping your business grow. 

1. Serverless Architecture

As of last year, the serverless architecture industry growth was valued at $36.84 billion, and it is clear that several more industries entered the market in 2023. The industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 21.71% during the forecast period of 2021 to 2028.

Serverless architecture works on cloud technology and lets the user run codes for virtually any kind of service or app that they want. Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are prime examples of some companies that are using this technique. 

2. WordPress Development

You might be aware that the WordPress CMS has dominance over 43% of all the websites. It is an open-source platform and is regularly updated to meet the needs of users. Like other industry trends, WordPress is also expected to bring a revolutionary change in the timeline of web development. 

You can easily talk about the future prospects of WordPress in your web development dissertation – it will be a good idea to do so. 

3. AI Chatbots

In 2023, AI chatbots have become the most versatile and best designed tools to meet the requirements of the users. Along with that, they have also become a popular topic for research work, as shown by a large number of web development dissertation examples. 

By using machine learning, information retrieval techniques and natural language processing techniques, the bots are made more and more functional to meet the requirements of humans. 

Per the reports of Forbes, several B2C companies serve their customers using AI-based chatbots. The use of such tools has increased by 28% to 84% between 2018 and 2020. This industry trend will get even more momentum in 2024. 

4. Standardisation of Dark Mode

In some of the recent years, the low-light and dark websites have gained so much popularity. Even in 2023, 8 out of 10 users choose to use dark mode whenever it is possible for them. Facebook and Twitter have already started using this feature long ago.

The applications provide the users with an opportunity to toggle between two modes, depending on the preferences of the users. It is important to master website personalisation as the users expect a completely customised experience from the newly developed websites. 

5. Motion UI

The consumers of this age do not only ask for faster digital experiences; they also want to have rich and interactive plus mobile-friendly user experiences. That is the reason why Motion UI has been an active trend in the web development industry.

It is a front-end framework which helps the developers design the best responsive websites and mobile apps and enable predefined motions with the help of a local app setting. If you choose this trend for your web-development dissertation, it will have ample research material available on it, hence facilitating your research. 

6. Accelerated Mobile Pages

Around 70% of users indicate that the speed of page affects their willingness to buy products from an online seller, as reported by Unbounce. It means that you should not ignore the speed of your website parameters when working on the design of a web development dissertation. 

That is where the trend of accelerated mobile pages comes into action. In 2020, the trend went a bit down, but overall, it is still one of the most popular mobile technologies used globally to date. 

Currently, around 36% of the websites implement mobile technologies, and the number includes some of the best applications around the globe. The chart given below shows the same statistics. 

7. Optimised Voice Search

First used in 2011 by Google, the usage of voice search is substantially rising in popularity. According to an analysis by Globe Newswire, the market growth of virtual assistants such as Alexa and Siri has grown rapidly, and it is still expected to skyrocket. 

Their demand is predicted to be growing at a CAGR of 16.5% during the forecast time ranging from 2023 to 33. The market is estimated to stand at US$ 8962.8 million by 2023, as expressed by Persistence Market Research.  

For writing the best work on this trend, it is recommended that you first review several web development dissertation samples. It will provide you with a better idea of how to present your research findings and the results of the surveys in your thesis. You can also ask for the help of your supervisor whenever needed. 

8. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

While the concept of progressive web apps is not new, their newest update will be a game changer for many. These apps assist the websites load really quickly and let the users work offline in applications, such as Google Maps. 

Per the reports of Statista, in the 2nd quarter of 2022, more than 58% of the International web traffic was coming from mobile. The stats show that soon, the world will be attending PWAs more as there are fewer website development costs involved here. 

Several companies and businesses, including Starbucks, Uber, Twitter, and Pinterest, use PWAs for an enhanced user experience, and in 2024, a shift is expected to be achieved by these apps. 


So, when writing a web development dissertation, you must keep these industry analysis trends in mind. The field is continually evolving to meet the expectations and needs of online users. Many of such industry trends primarily focus on optimising the user experience, and in the coming future, they are expected to optimise the devices we haven’t seen yet. 

Make sure that your web development dissertation ideas are up-to-date and relevant to the main research field. It will increase the value of your work in the eyes of the supervisor.

Last but certainly not least, you must not hesitate to get dissertation help from experts.