Master’s Dissertation Failure – Top 8 Reasons and How You Can Avoid Them

Writing a master’s dissertation is an essential milestone in completing your academic career successfully. When a student gets admission to a master’s or doctoral program, they must write a well-researched and qualitative dissertation at the end of the final year.

If a student fails a dissertation, the university gives them a chance to resubmit and address the feedback from the initial submission. Being a student, resubmitting the dissertation becomes a very intimidating experience in the academic journey.

So, here we shall uncover all the reasons why a student fails a master’s dissertation proposal and also discuss the key tactics for overcoming disappointment.

Let’s get started!

What Happens if You Fail Your Master’s Dissertation UK?

Passing the master’s dissertation is not easy for everyone. Students face many hurdles, like choosing a research topic, crafting a research proposal, requesting experts for help with their dissertations, and, finally, preparing for the dissertation defence after it is completed. 

Depending on university rules and writing criteria, failing a master’s dissertation can have various outcomes.

Dissertation failure traps can lead to the following consequences.

  • Resubmit dissertation: Students have the opportunity to resubmit their dissertations within a specified deadline to address feedback from the initial submission.
  • Supervisor Assistance:  The university provides academic support to help students improve their work, including supervisory guidance and workshops on dissertation writing. 
  • Psychological outcome: Failing a dissertation can disturb a student’s mental health, causing stress, anxiety, and frustration, which may indicate that the student needs more attention to work properly.

What Are the Reasons to Fail a Master’s Dissertation?

The foremost reasons for failing master’s dissertations are poor research, lack of originality in work, inadequate guidance from the supervisor, and duplicate content that students take from existing knowledge.

Let’s discuss each in further detail to check why these mistakes happen.

1. Lack of Originality

A university student must produce ideal writing for a dissertation. Originality is essential for exceptional outcomes. However, students must be deeply passionate about their research journey.

Early on, they brim with enthusiasm and ideas, anxious to make a new contribution to the field of research. The actual problem starts here. When they start researching and gathering data from existing literature, they find themselves relying heavily on the work of others, inadvertently losing their unique ideas.

They rely on existing research, which may lead to a dissertation that is familiar and predictable rather than innovative. This makes the reader notice the absence of fresh ideas, which can diminish the value of innovation. If students attempt to address a well-explored topic without offering fresh perspectives or critical analysis, their work may be judged unoriginal and lacking the depth required for a master’ s-level dissertation.

2. Fruitless Research Proposal

This is the most asked question that students want to identify the reason why they fail a dissertation. Remember, poor research and an improper format while writing hurt a dissertation. By making such mistakes, students are unable to write a perfect research proposal for a dissertation. Writing a good proposal is very crucial because it demonstrates the purpose of your research work.

A proposal with unclear objectives or questions is likely to fail. However, ambiguous goals make it difficult to establish a coherent research direction, leading to confusion in both execution and evaluation. Precise objectives guide the research process and ensure that the study remains focused and relevant.

3. Inadequate Literature Review

A perfect proposal requires a good literature review. An ineffective proposal may stem from an incomplete or poorly conducted literature review. Properly considering existing research allows the researcher to identify where the proposed study fits within the broader academic discourse.

Through the literature review process, students address the gap in current knowledge that research can fill. However, a thorough review is essential to demonstrate the significance of the research and how it builds on or challenges previous findings. Additionally, students are unable to demonstrate their insightful abilities when they use direct statements and summaries excessively.

4. Undefined Project Deadlines

A deadline refers to a time that students submit their dissertation report. In academic careers, most students are unaware of clear deadlines that are crucial for the efficient management of time, resources, and expectations.

When your submission schedule is ambiguous, it can have several negative implications, including the following:

  • Miscommunication: This is the most common pitfall that causes interpersonal issues between team members. An unclear deadline can lead to miscommunication between the supervisor and a candidate. This is the most common pitfall that causes interpersonal issues between team members. An unclear deadline can lead to miscommunication between the supervisor and a candidate. In the absence of a clear schedule, a student might interpret tasks or projects differently, which could cause their efforts to be less coordinated. However, understanding clear communication and the expectations regarding the completion timeline is crucial.
  • Procrastination in Submission: The most detrimental aspect of procrastination is perhaps the stress that it often leads to. When a student does not clearly define the project deadline, it may delay starting or completing tasks, assuming that there is more time available than there is. This may cause an unnecessary delay in work submission, which impacts the project’s timeframe, and causes final results to be disrupted if the deadline is missed.
  • Compromised on Work Quality: Work may be hurried at the last minute due to unclear deadlines, especially if the true deadline is discovered too late. Hurried decision-making and a lack of attention to detail brought on by an unclear timeframe may compromise the quality of the final product.

5. Inappropriate formatting and documentation

A student spends months researching and writing their dissertation, gathering data, and crafting arguments. However, when it comes time to submit, the formatting of the dissertation is neglected. Every university has provided clear instructions—specific margins, font size, and citation style—but the student overlooks these details, believing their content will speak for itself.

Upon receipt of the dissertation by the review committee, the formatting errors are promptly detected. The uneven spacing makes the text difficult to read, and the citation style is not according to accepted academic standards. The lack of organisation and clarity makes it difficult for the evaluators to follow the ideas, and they grow frustrated.

6. Non-Serious Attitude of Candidates

Top-notch academic degrees, such as master’s or PhD, are demanding and require full-fledged attention from the student. Those who enrol in graduate programs solely to obtain a degree are almost always doomed to failure.

It’s not a cakewalk for everyone to reach the finish line. From choosing a topic according to your interest area, making a research proposal, and then preparing for the final dissertation defence, you may face hurdles in dissertation completion.

So, negligence is not acceptable. Students must have time management skills to complete things on time since they have to do research and contribute to innovation. It depends on your critical thinking on how you get ideas from existing research and add what is new to it.

7. Poor Writing Style

A clear document with an appropriate writing style helps the reader engage and increase the chances of achieving your desired outcomes. A document with poor writing quality can severely hinder the effectiveness of the dissertation.

Take the example of a conscientious student who spends endless hours compiling information and developing original ideas, only to deliver their findings in a disorganised way. What do you think? The reader comes across clumsy phrasing and complicated sentences throughout the dissertation, which mask the main points.

The lack of clarity in the writing frustrates the reader because they are not properly engaged with the content. Furthermore, a lack of attention to detail is indicated by frequent grammatical errors and inconsistent formatting, which further compromises the dissertation’s polished appearance.

8. Incorrect References

Cite referencing in a document is considered a crucial practice in academic writing. It acknowledges the discoveries of other authors and researchers’ findings in your work. However, students are unaware of the importance of referencing in content. Their dissertation lacks a proper plan for referencing and in-text citations.

Using citations helps students eliminate the possibility of plagiarism and acknowledge their research and other authors. However, references that are correctly cited acknowledge the hard work of the researcher to gather the data and make it easier for the audience to locate the authentic sources.

Citation styles such as APA and MLA are used to standardise this research work in order to guarantee consistency and clarity. Each reference honours the scholarly discourse by situating the author within a broader academic context and underlining the underlying work that influences their research.

Moreover, original citation fosters a culture of trust and collaboration among academics, which is an integral part of academic integrity.

How To Avoid Failing a Master Dissertation?

If you want to gain good grades and are afraid of failing in the master dissertation, there are several key tactics students need to follow:

  • Review your research work: It is the primary responsibility of each student to review their dissertation before submitting it in its final form. Verify the introduction (must be concise and engaging), conclusion, literature review process, structure, format, and other elements. Make sure that each section of a dissertation has the appropriate definition.
  • Duplicate content detection: However, students must verify before submission whether their research report contains any duplicate content or not. During the literature review process, sometimes students take the ideas from existing research and write them in their research papers. This will cause plagiarism. You may get an accurate result regarding content duplication from checking in the content duplication checker or plagiarised tool. Working with dissertation writing services that offer 100% accurate results of original content is an option if you lack access to a plagiarism detector tool.
  • Assistance in writing: For an effective dissertation, you should seek helpfrom top-rated dissertation writing companies in the UK if you find crafting it intimidating. Their highly skilled vision can handle all of your pain and make the journey smoother and faster.
  • Thorough Research: In order to obtain good grades, students must perform thorough research and identify the most relevant data for their dissertation in the event of failure. If you can’t conduct research properly, your dissertation won’t be successful. There’s a greater chance that your dissertation will suffer as a consequence.
  • Focus on Writing Quality: In dissertation writing, always prioritise organisation, coherence, and clarity. Make sure that your work flows logically from one section to the next, and pay attention to grammar and style.
  • Check Progress: Review your research work and workflow regularly to identify areas for improvement. To stay on course, pinpoint areas that need work and make the necessary adjustments to your strategy.

How Many People Fail a Master’s Dissertation?

According to the University of Cape Town report, South Africa recently recorded a mere 5% success rate for Master’s completion.  Two out of every three Master’s or doctorate students in a given university department’s seven years of records indicate that they either failed or quit the program permanently.

There’s no need to worry if you need assistance with your dissertation and are having trouble. Failure rates typically range from 5 to 15%, which is a relatively low rate. However, it may be daunting to locate particular numbers because many universities do not share thorough data on dissertation results. 

How Hard Is It to Pass a Master’s Dissertation?

Undertaking research for a master’s dissertation requires dedication to finding appropriate research methods, critical thinking power to analyse research data and well-structured reports for presentation.

There are the following basic criteria you must follow:

  • Finding and selecting appropriate research methods
  • Good critical thinking skills for data analysis
  • It is essential to present your research work in a well-organised pattern for the dissertation.


Every student writes a master’s dissertation in his academic career to showcase their research skills. It must be completed to receive a doctorate. However, students encounter any challenge that makes them fail. Even driven pupils may also hunt to common hazards such as improper research work, originality issues, poor writing format, and incomplete guidance from committee members.

To avoid the situation, this write-up emphasises the importance of a methodical scope to structure a dissertation proposal, along with accurate writing formatting, conducting in-depth research, and communicating goals. By focusing on quality work, students can turn their research ideas into fascinating dissertations. This showcases student commitment to the topic and their dedication by paying attention to quality and originality, letting them attain high achievement in the final.