Get More Profile Views on Instagram 

When you see interesting content on Instagram, you might want to know more about the  person who posted it. So, you click on some users’ handles each day to check out their  pages. But you might wonder, do they see your profile views on Instagram? Let’s find out an answer to this question. 

What Are Profile Views on Instagram? 

Profile views refer to the number of times another user opens your page to check it out.  Every brand or creator wants more profile views on Instagram because it means higher  interest in your page. Getting more views on your page means they are excited to see  your content. It shows you’re doing something right with your posts! 

Why Views Matter? 

Videos with many views reach more people than those with few engagements. They  appear in the feeds of users not in your network. This increases the chance of gaining  new Instagram followers. The number of views is key to growing your profile. You need  to work hard to get views that reflect your effort. 

Is There an Instagram Private Profile Viewer? 

Unfortunately, there’s no private profile viewer for Instagram, even on third-party apps.  These sites, like the Path social tool, can only view public profiles. Instagram is extremely  strict about protecting user privacy. So, it’s nearly impossible to see private profiles  without following them and getting the owner’s approval. Any third-party sites claiming  they can do this are likely not truthful. 

Can You See Who Views Your Instagram Profile? 

The clear answer is no; it’s impossible to see who views your profile. Instagram doesn’t  share this with its users on the platform. It’s a letdown, but it’s reality.

You are likewise unable to see who viewed your profile through third-party apps.  Instagram (and meta as a whole) doesn’t publicly share profile visitor data anywhere. So,  it is unachievable to acquire that information on the app with paid tools. Even Alex Heid, chief research officer at SecurityScorecard, advises Reader’s Digest to  steer clear of services claiming to provide this data. He warns that such sites are likely  just attempting to collect information from those who believe they work. Therefore, avoid  any services that claim they can show you who has viewed your profile! 

Does Instagram Have Profile Views on Instagram Insights? 

Concerning Instagram insights, you might be wondering, “Does the platform has profile  views on the professional dashboard for business accounts?” 

Inopportunely, no, the in-app analytics feature doesn’t show you who viewed your profile.  It will only show you the number of people you’ve interacted with and accessed on the  platform. But you have to do the work to examine and conclude valuable insights from  those.  

Analytics Terms to Know 

Click Through Rate: The number of clicks to your website or email divided by the  total amount of profile views your Instagram account received in a time period.

Conversion Rate: The number of new followers you gain divided by the Instagram  users visiting your profile in a time period. 

Follower Growth Rate: The follower increases in a time period divided by the  number of followers you had at the start of that period. 

People Reached: The number of Instagram users who have seen any of your  posts in a given time period. 

6 Tips to Get More Instagram Account Views 

Are you finding it hard to get more people to follow your page or like your content? Focus  on driving more Instagram account views. By deliberately driving people to your profile,  you can possibly boost your reach and engagement. Here are some ways to do just that.

Promote Your Pages with Instagram Ads 

Pay a little extra to promote your page so you can reach a targeted audience. When  people see relevant ads, it may excite their interest about the brand running those ads.  This can lead to more profile views going to your profile. 

Enhance Your Profile 

Make sure your username and bio contain keywords that allow you to appear on the  Instagram search. Include words related to your specialty that might describe your content,  like “fitness or sport”. This assists you appear more often on IG searches when people  look up those terms, increasing profile visibility. 

Publish Compelling Content with the Potential to Go Viral  Many people explore new profiles to visit when they bump into entertaining and insightful  content on the feed. So, generate top-quality, related, highly regarded content your target  audience will love. The goal is to make them so eager about you that they visit your page  after seeing your content somewhere. 

Interact with Your Audience  

Reply to people who leave comments on your posts or leave DMs in your inbox.  Realistically interacting with people increases the chances of them wanting to visit your  pages. 

Collaborate with Influencers 

Partnering with influencers can amplify your reach. Choose influencers whose audience  aligns with your brand. Collaborations can introduce your profile to a wider, more relevant  audience. 

Utilizing Hashtags and Geotags 

Using relevant hashtags in your posts can expose your content to a larger audience who  may be searching for or following those tags. Geotagging your posts can also make them  discoverable to users interested in a specific location, broadening your reach.


Can you see who views your Instagram?  

The short answer is no. Instagram doesn’t allow users to see who views their profile. 

Will Instagram pay you for views? 

Instagram doesn’t directly pay you for views. However, they have other ways to earn  money, like Badges that lets you earn money during live streams and subscriptions where  you charge a monthly fee to your viewers for exclusive content. 

What does views from profile mean on Instagram? 

– Profile visits: The number of times someone views your profile after seeing your post or  story. This metric is only for your accounts, not partner accounts. 

– Follows: The number of new followers you get after someone views your post or story.