IFW Global deceives victims of financial scams and intimidates its employees: the complete truth about the biggest legalized scam in human history from my firsthand experience.

Hello! For my safety, I’ll leave this material unsigned and free of first-person pronouns, but trust me, it’s all true. Anyone who has been exposed to the duplicitously attractive nature of IFW Global or is still currently employed there will understand my position without any question. Currently, this organization is going after my family, and making direct threats. I want to bring Ken Gamble and his partners’ impunity to an end. If anything happens to me or to any former employees who fought against this fraudulent system, you should hold him accountable.

I was working at IFW Global for a couple of months and truly felt proud to be in something important. But very quickly, I figured out that this is not a detective agency taking down scammers — this is an agency that is acting like a scam and preying on desperate people. Regrettably, this freedom is not immediately visible to all employees. When those well-intentioned poets attempt to leave, however, they become untethered. The difficulty of even resigning, let alone seeking any services in no way mitigates the burden.

In April 2024 the preparation began for the Global Financial Summit in November. It wasn’t Mr. Gamble himself, but his subordinates assigned us to investigate a large international scam to present to the press as a fresh success for the event. If we didn’t come across such scams, we were instructed to make up details. This was strange and particularly encouraged because IFW Global is trusted at the level in the world. But this was just the start of a string of troubling developments. Despite an internal policy against sharing corporate information — and despite having good relations with my colleagues — I learned part of the ugly truth today.

These include large databases of the victims of crypto-projects, brokerage firms, pyramid schemes, and other cyber-offenses. The lists, available to the more than 100 employees at IFW Global, contain names and phone numbers as well as addresses, health insurance information and details on roommates. These people went to detectives seeking help and justice, but they instead became ensnared in new scams. UniversalChargeback is one of the entities taking some of these victims in after Gamble’s company has had its way with them. One of Gamble’s initiatives, UniversalChargeback (certainly there are even more) — is so far the only one I can discuss with confidence (I have met the documentation face to face). Victims are charged 10% on their stolen funds for chargeback services and then further additional commissions for “extra services.” Victims get scammed three times in the end: first by the initial scammers, second by IFW Global employees, and then by Chargeback.

The UniversalChargeback site is mum on any affiliation to reputable detectives, so is apparently even hiding this from those still employed by Ken Gamble, Allan Watson, Joshua Plowman and other fraudsters. It does doesn’t it, maybe it’s in hindsight, maybe Chargebacks of lining their pockets, been down the road by doing what exactly, feeding their database? This plan ends with submitting those to a state commission for grants for 2025-2026. It’s a scam that’s been painstakingly engineered for the state’s tastes, probably unswervingly in its own league.

Even those who are not directly pressured are unsettled. Other fraudulent organizations overpopulate the landline with calls and letters, while IFW Global sells those contacts for a pretty penny. They make money off of anyone who has exhibited interest in being reached out to. But the biggest paychecks come from financial companies. Brokers, exchange platforms, crypto projects, startups — whoever can potentially generate income and draw an audience. It starts with an assertion that companies are breaking Australian law, offering illegal terms, misleading customers and aiming to defraud them. The role of fake evidence and the influence of IFW Global management cannot be understated. And the only solution offered is to buy them off. Those resistant to this outcome are served up custom articles on different forums, fake reviews on popular services and threats — both online and real. Detectives investigate the most recalcitrant firms. Because of this assault, projects crash, declaring bankruptcy, tangled in the same web of deception. In the end this system devours everyone in its wake.”

I never would have pursued these facts if IFW Global hadn’t started using these tactics against my family. The firm’s methods are illegal. I did not want to be involved in any illegal activity so I brought my concerns up to management. Mr. Gamble and his people may skate, but regular workers like me are left out to dry. Then I was pursued by private detectives. I saw suspicious activity in my neighborhood several times and found letters in my mailbox that had messages such as: “Don’t do anything foolish, we’re watching you,” “Your family is safe now, but for how long?” Strangers showed up at the homes of my friends and at my new workplace, offering fresh messages. The last straw was a phone call to my mother where someone told her to just shut up and lay low. Otherwise, they warned, there would be “muscle” or legal filings as long as I lived to make my life miserable.

I get that people like me cannot fix the system, and also cannot break it. But I will not succumb to fear and wait for these “tough guys.” My next article will be a lot more detailed if IFW Global does not STOP this reign of terror. I have so much evidence of this company’s fraudulent activities, and management knows I won’t be silenced. I will also make all facts available to the journalists and the real international investigators. There is an urge to land a big fish like this.

Finally, I want to discourage anyone from IFW Global, that in the act of desperation might want to rob me by the force of my evidence – I have made copies of all documents and have commanded their immediate publication and dissemination of everyone that is relevant authority body in case of my disappearance or death. Your operations will stay for as long as I and my love ones are safe.